what needs PAT testing ?

PAT Testing, Several Electrical Applicances

Any electrical appliance that is fitted with a plug is required by the Electricity at Work Regulation 4 (2) to be tested and visually inspected on a regular basis to ensure that it is in a safe working condition in conjunction with The IET Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electical Equipment 4th Edition.

There are two main types of appliance:-

Class I - Earth bonded equipment such as kettles, drills, microwaves

Class II - Double Insulated such as IT equipment, portable radios, printers

The testing process does depend on the type of appliance:

Testing Process Class I Appliances Class II Appliances
1. Visual Inspection yes yes
2. Earth Continuity yes
3. Insulation Test yes yes
4. Leakage test yes yes
5. Load test yes yes

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